I'm Too Good to Live in a Dirty Home, But I'm Not Too Good to Clean My Home

I'm too good to live in a dirty home, but I'm not too good to clean my home. (JenExxifer | GenX Housewife Memes)

Such a concept as cleaning one's own home and even being proud of it is something that is shunned and mocked by the feminist herd in the modern 21st Century, and it makes me wonder: Do those women who scoff at a housewife think they are too good to clean their homes, or too good to care for a spouse?

Maybe this is why some women remain single, or go through divorce, because they are too good to care for someone else, or they are too good to compromise with a spouse, or their career is too important to put a living human they claim to love above it.

Maybe this is why some women don't know how to make their dwelling a place of comfort, or even a place of basic hygienic cleanliness, because they are too good to lower themselves to such tasks.

Cleaning one's own home is not old-fashioned, nor is it demeaning; I have learned from experience that cleaning is necessary, and it is also fulfilling to accomplish my goals each day and improve my skills.

It is also cost-effective to clean my home myself instead of paying someone else to do it for me when I am perfectly capable of doing it.

Women of the feminist herd, and male feminists too, are the only ones I know of who demean housewives for caring for their homes, spouses, and families; which makes me wonder: If it's okay to put down a housewife who cleans her own home, is it also okay to put down housekeepers and cleaning ladies too? 

My husband has never demeaned me for cleaning our home or for taking care of him; in fact, he loves me for it, and I have no doubt that is a concept that is lost on feminists -- love! 

Happy Housewife Secret

What's the secret to being happy at home all day by yourself?

Liking yourself!

The secret to being happy at home all day by yourself is liking yourself (Housewife Memes by JenExxifer | GenX Housewife)

It doesn't matter what a housewife does at home all day, because whatever she does, she is with herself, and if she doesn't like herself then it makes whatever she does less enjoyable.

If a housewife doesn't like herself or accept herself, she can't accept her role as a housewife and she most certainly won't like being a housewife since it is part of her identity. 

If a housewife doesn't like herself then it is up to her to figure out how to like herself.

Whether it is improving her skills, improving her thoughts and perspective, improving her home life, or improving herself in another way, it is up to her to take steps to figure it out so that she accepts herself and likes herself in order to be happy in her home, and happy on the inside, without depending on someone else to validate her sense of self. 

A housewife doesn't have to be perfect to like herself; or wealthy, or trendy, or fashionable, or popular; many people are those things, but that doesn't mean they like themselves or can handle being alone with themselves all day.

When a housewife likes herself, it doesn't mean she has no problems in her life or that she has the best of everything; when a housewife likes herself, she makes the best of what she has -- she even makes the best of her problems!

When a housewife likes herself and accepts herself, she not only accepts her role as a housewife, but she flourishes in her role and is proud of her identity as a housewife who likes herself and loves being the one who takes care of her home and her family every day.

Do you have a happy housewife secret? Share it in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

What I Did Today: Saturday 2.4.23


  • Laundry 4 loads: towels, clothes tops, clothes pants, living room blanket; emptied lint trap; wiped down inner drum & lid  
  • Mopped bathrooms & kitchen 
  • Refilled bird feeders + put out suet 
  • Washed burner pans & ice trays

As Needed:

  • Food prep: cut up cucumber; emptied ice trays; filled eggs container; restocked drinks; took out pork chops to thaw 


  • Changed kitchen dish cloth 
  • Cleaned litterbox
  • Descaled tea kettle 
  • Dishes: handwashed, dried, put away
  • Emptied food scrap bucket
  • Made bed & refreshed blanket in dryer
  • Made meals  
  • Pet the cats & put food/water out
  • Prepped coffeemaker & tea kettle for the morning
  • Refilled Berkey water filter
  • Set-up morning dishes & vitamins
  • Wiped: bathroom mirror & faucet handle; gadgets; kitchen counters/stovetop; Litter Genie & scoop  


Prepare Yourselves: It's Bad Movie Saturday Night (Mindhunters; Bad Movie Saturday Night #101) (JenExxifer | GenX Housewife Memes)

What I Did Today: Friday 2.3.23



  • Washed cat dishes + mat 
  • Wrote out grocery list & put away groceries  

As Needed:

  • Food prep: refilled olives jar; shredded cheese 
  • Got out cat carriers from outbuilding storage 
  • Refreshed bath towels in dryer


  • Changed kitchen dish cloth 
  • Cleaned litterbox
  • Descaled tea kettle
  • Dishes: handwashed, dried, put away
  • Emptied food scrap bucket
  • Made bed & refreshed blanket in dryer
  • Made meals 
  • Pet the cats & put food/water out
  • Prepped coffeemaker & tea kettle for the morning
  • Refilled Berkey water filter
  • Set-up morning dishes & vitamins
  • Vacuumed entire house
  • Wiped: bathroom mirror & faucet handle; gadgets; kitchen counters/stovetop; Litter Genie & scoop 


You took me to the vet. Where are my treats? (JenExxifer | GenX Housewife Memes)

What I Did Today: Thursday 2.2.23

Alternate Week:

  • Spot-cleaned bathrooms 
  • Refreshed in dryer: toilet toppers & ironed 


  • Changed towels in bathrooms & kitchen (+ sponge)
  • Emptied: household wastebaskets; Litter Genie & wiped down
  • Refreshed in dryer: bathmats + lint rolled; kitchen mats 
  • Took out household garbage & recycling: metal, paper, plastic; wiped down pantry recycling bins 
  • Vacuumed dryer lint trap 
  • Washing machine: wash cycle with Borax/OxiClean; wiped down inner drum & lid 

As Needed:

  • Food prep: grind coffee (1+ jar); restocked kitchen freezer & pantry, tea 
  • Ironed 1 shirt 
  • Refilled OxiClean jar & vinegar bottle


  • Changed kitchen dish cloth 
  • Cleaned litterbox
  • Descaled tea kettle
  • Dishes: handwashed, dried, put away
  • Emptied food scrap bucket
  • Made bed & refreshed blanket in dryer
  • Pet the cats & put food/water out
  • Prepped coffeemaker & tea kettle for the morning
  • Refilled Berkey water filter
  • Set-up morning dishes & vitamins
  • Vacuumed entire house
  • Wiped: bathroom mirror & faucet handle; gadgets; kitchen counters/stovetop; Litter Genie & scoop 


  • Exercise: Elliptical (6.92 miles @ 31:41 minutes; started ‘Ride, Ranger, Ride’)
  • Blogging, design shops, IMDb, journaling, watched movies/TV 
  • Relaxed with my husband: enjoyed a late lunch outing & dump run; watched ‘Groundhog Day’ and 'Krull'
Groundhog Day Fun: ...And then I pull the covers up like this and finish making the bed. She's fun, but not my kind of fun. (JenExxifer | GenX Housewife Memes)

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