There's No Fun During a No-Spend Challenge

There's no fun during a no-spend challenge (meme by JenExx)

Something that makes GenXers different than younger generations is that GenXers were given punishments, and there is no fun in a punishment.

A no-spend challenge isn't a time for fun.

A no-spend challenge (NSC) is basically a penalty, a punishment, a penance for not behaving properly with money to the point that money can't be spent because there is no money for frivolities and/or no money for necessities, and there is a debt hole.

A NSC is kind of like extreme weight loss for people who are extremely overweight; it's a challenge and it's not about fun; it's about correcting out-of-control behaviors by creating better habits and self-control.

(If the NSC is to save money when there isn't a debt hole, that is different, and this post may not apply to that situation.)

That is not to say there is no satisfaction in a NSC, but it is a challenge and since when are challenges supposed to be fun? It's a challenge!

The challenge should not only be to stop spending money beyond planned necessities (home, utilities, food), but also to not get distracted from what created the NSC.

Not spending money is a time-out from regular activities, and a time-out is time to think about what caused the time-out.

If poor spending habits are the reason behind the NSC, then that should be reflected upon during the challenge rather than focusing on finding fun things to do that don't cost money.

But if doing something that doesn't cost money is the goal, then grab a deck of cards, which I'm betting most GenXers have or are at least familiar with, and a hat or a box or something to throw the cards into; do that for hours on end to perfect card throwing skills and to avoid going out and spending money.

Throw cards in a hat for hours of amusement (gif by JenExx; from Groundhog Day)

It also doesn't cost money to do bookkeeping and look at the debt hole that is the reason for the NSC; reflect on the debt hole, think of ways to resolve it, and make peace with it by accepting that doing nothing fun for however long the NSC lasts is a way of improving the situation.

Something else that doesn't cost money that feels great is catching up on sleep! 

People going through a NSC aren't homeless, which means they have a home that needs to be cared for, and a NSC is a great time to take care of property and possessions that have most likely been neglected due to all the fun that was had spending the money that is gone.

What doesn't make sense to me is doing a NSC and not having things to enjoy at home; that sounds like people didn't spend their money the right way if it left them with nothing to do during a NSC. 

That would be something else to reflect upon as well: How to avoid spending money in the future on things that don't add value to enjoying life during times when there is no money to spend. 

No-Spend Challenge Housewife Logic (meme by JenExx)

Going without fun for a week, a month, or even longer for the sake of improving spending habits and growing savings is a time of personal growth, and from that will come satisfaction which is better than fun.

To look for fun things to do takes away from what is most important during a NSC: a time to reflect on what created it.

A NSC doesn't have to take away a good attitude though, and it's a good attitude that will overpower the desire for momentary fun when it's time to reflect and grow at home. 🌸

Take Action Summary: 10 Things to do During a No-Spend Challenge

1. Reflect on what created the NSC

2. Take care of possessions and property that have been neglected

3. Enjoy what's already paid for at home

4. Do bookkeeping and analyze bad spending habits

5. Brainstorm how to get out of debt hole

6. Figure out how to avoid bad spending habits in the future

7. Accept the situation and make peace with it

8. Have a good attitude

9. Catch up on sleep

10. Throw cards in a hat

👉 Click here for printable Google doc of Take Action Summary

👉 Read my post How to Save Money When You Don't Have Money that outlines basic bookkeeping steps for beginners!

👉 Find out how much to save with my 20% Yearly Income Savings Goals Reference Guide!

👉 What does saving money feel better than? Find out here!

JenExxifer | GenX Housewife

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