A Housewife Never Fails Until She Stops Trying: Life Lessons from a GenX Housewife

Q: What do I do if I feel like I’m failing as a housewife?

A: Talk to my husband about it!


One of the best things about having a husband is having a permanent partner who loves me and wants me to feel good about myself.

I don’t believe that a husband would want his wife to feel like she’s failing in her role as a housewife, and a good husband (in my book) would want to know if his wife had those feelings.

If my husband felt like he was failing I would want him to talk to me about it, and I would feel hurt if he talked to others about it before coming to me; that’s why I am his partner -- so he has someone to talk to and help him.

I actually consider talking to strangers about personal or emotional problems as a form of cheating when one is married; to open oneself up emotionally to a stranger can be more intimate than opening one’s legs or pants.

5 Tips on Vacuuming Every Day

I didn’t start off vacuuming my entire home every day; I built up to it over time. Here are five tips that helped me build up my vacuuming endurance:

1. I started vacuuming 3-4 times a week in different sections of the house on different days, so the whole house was vacuumed at the end of the week. 

  • Breaking the house down by sections helped me focus on those areas instead of worrying about the whole house at once; when I got faster at vacuuming in sections, I started tackling the whole house every day.

Wife It Like You Own It: Life Lessons from a Housewife in Anti-Housewife America

Q: Why do I take care of my husband & our home?

A: Because they’re mine.

I am amused by the idea that a housewife takes care of a home only for her husband's benefit, as if she doesn't live in the home too or receive the same benefits as her husband for her hard work.

I am not some chore whore who resides in a separate she shed who doesn't get to enjoy the fruits of my daily labors.

I am the wife who shares the home with my husband and is entrusted with the home we own to make sure it gets better every day.

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