Words that Inspire Me to Be a Better Wife: Devoted

Devoted: very loving or loyal.

As a devoted housewife, being very loving and loyal starts with my husband but it does not end there. 

Since I spend more time at home with our cats than I do with my husband, I extend my love and loyalty into my daily housework tasks by making our home a relaxing retreat that my husband wants to come home to every night after work. 

Words that inspire me to be a better wife: Devoted: very loving or loyal.

That is not to say there aren’t moments when I get frustrated or annoyed with housework, but those moments are rare and fleeting compared to my younger days when we weren’t married and I was more devoted to work outside the home than making home the best it could be.

Nowadays I treat housework as something that makes life better rather than thinking about it negatively, and having the right mindset not only helps my mind but my home as well.

If I clean my home with negative energy, I truly believe that will leave behind negativity that can’t be seen but can be felt; so when I clean I do my best to have positive thoughts about housework along with thoughts of love for my husband and our home so that more than just a clean surface is left behind -- I want to leave love behind! 

By not having a job that takes 20 to 40 hours (or more!) of my time a week and drains me of finite energy, I am able to focus my energy on being devoted, loving, and loyal, to my home and my husband, and our cats too.

  • Definition source: Oxford Languages Google search

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