Words that Inspire Me to Be a Better Wife: Empowered

Empowered: make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

I don’t know that I have ever heard the word ‘empowered’ used to describe a wife, but as I’ve learned from experience I have more rights as a wife than I had when I was just a girlfriend.

As a girlfriend I didn’t have the legal right to use his last name, nor did I have the legal right to sign up for credit cards without his knowledge, as wives have the right to do but I don’t need to be that empowered because I have learned from the world around me that financial cheating does not help a marital union.

Legal rights aside, becoming a wife has made our relationship stronger and marriage has made me more confident in our relationship, because neither of us is going anywhere until death do us part.

Words that inspire me to be a better wife: Empowered: make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
Being a housewife is also empowering in that I have control of my home, and it’s my right to have control of my home. As a girlfriend I didn’t have to be responsible for anyone else but me; however, as a housewife, I have the right to be responsible for my husband, our home, and our finances.

I exercise my responsibilities by making sure my husband has clean work clothes every day, a nutritious lunch to take with him, a clean home for him to return to at the end of the work day; as well as balancing the books and having a say in how our money is used.

Being a wife doesn’t mean I have lost control of my life; it means I have more reason to be in control of my life, because my life impacts my husband’s life, and vice versa.

As a married couple, we must both be conscientious of the choices we make so that our choices impact us both for the better and empower us to be better for each other.

  • Definition source: Oxford Languages Google search

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